
A Norland - Conservative Angle

A Norland - Conservative Angle

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was looking at something which was every child's dream once, as my brother once asked me about a Norland hatchet and I said you should be able to get one for 30 bucks on Ebay, but at the time they were around 50 and higher.

Now they are beyond my reach in a good one is 150 dollars, if it has the original tags and sheath which was kind of a cheap rough out thing.

As a child, I had a cow, and she had a calf, and I got around 200 bucks slave labor in selling that calf. From it, I paid my school bills, bought Christmas presents and the things I thought I would need. As I began trapping, that included supplies and I can still see this Deer Creek catalogue offering an axe and hatchet. The hatchet was 6.95 and I could barely afford that, so that is what I got.

I was going to use this little Hudson Bay headed chopper on my trapline, but it was cute and I really was not in need of pounding in stakes or chopping willows, so it pretty much sat in a wooden tool box I made in school.

As most people used their deer knife to split the pelvis, I tried mine, but that was not up to the task. So I went in and got my Norland and this is the sweetest thing for splitting a pelvis to pull the lower intestine out to cut the rectum out. That is all my Norland ever did was pelvis splitting and now that I see the prices on these dreams, it is like another reality in why I did not have the money back then to buy a hundred of these as they were better in investment than gold.

My brother got one..........he died, so who knows what abuse that thing is taking from his grandkids like all his precious chit. I remember telling bro and Beloved Uncle about using the Norland to split pelvises and I got a lecture about weight in the mountains and I was like, "Dudes, it is a Norland not a sledgehammer." I was right of course like I was always right in God.

Like the time I told brother and the old man that pork sausage seasoning should be put into deer sausage as I loved pork sausage. You would have thought I was selling the Virgin Mary's panties in the response as this simply could not be done. Years later, here appears brother with pork sausage seasoning in deer sausage as everyone was doing it as it was called breakfast sausage.

My Norland though is still good to go and will be. I'm not much into killing things now, but if it comes to a hunting world to live again, I will carry the little guy along and enjoy my hatchet like I always did and wonder what doom my brother's hatchet is suffering like so many of these kid's hatchets which are now gold as everyone is trying to light up a Christmas past in something that made them once smile.

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