
MBP 16" 24 vs 48GB RAM Non professionell User

MBP 16" 24 vs 48GB RAM Non professionell User

Dear all,

I am looking for some advice on RAM selection.

I am undecided between 16" with 24 and 48 GB Ram.

At the moment I am still using a 15" MBP from 2012 with 16 GB DDR3 Ram.

I bought the machine during my PHD studies and used it for simulations and it lasted more than 12 years now.

Meanwhile I am just a hobby user: basic office stuff, many safari tabs (20-40), some light coding, YouTube, Netflix, Apple Music, Discord and a lot World of Warcraft Classic gaming. All this still runs on my old machine but its slow and the fans are loud as hell

The new machine will be used for the same stuff but it should run WoW on better graphics settings and as quite as possible (I know Windows machines are better for gaming but this is no option for me - I just play WoW, nothing else). As with the old MBP I am planing to use the machine for many years and it would sad if I need to replace early because of RAM issues. The new system should last for at least 7-8 years again (the longer the better).

For what I am doing with the machine right now the M4Pro might be overkill already but as the standard M4 is not available for the 16" it will be the way to go (14" is no option for me).

I am quite sure 24 GB will do the job now and in the coming 2-3 years... but I want the machine to last long.

I bought my old MBP with 4 GB Ram in 2012, upgraded in 2017 to 8 GB and a few years later to 16GB. That made the machine last long and I feel going 48GB might be more safe in the long run. On the other hand I don't want to waste money if the 48 GB will never used...

With my regular "workload" (browser tabs, music, discord and WoW) my old MBP uses all of its 16GB Ram and shows 3-10 GB in swap. However, memory pressure seems to be green all the time.

What you suggest given that I am pure non professional user and do not earn money with the machine but would like to keep it long?

Thanks a lot!

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