Taxes will remain at 12.05 mills next in Murrysville, after council members voted to pass a $17.3 million budget for 2025.
The municipality's $17.28 million budget includes $3.8 million in capital spending. Capital projects for next year will include grant-supported bridge work along with $100,000 for new police equipment and vehicles and the replacement of HVAC units at the municipal building.
One change in the coming year is that staff has lowered the estimated value of a mill to $338,000 from the previous estimate of $340,000 this budget year.
Finance Director Jacie Milchak said income growth in the municipality has been a bit slower than expected, from roughly 1% per year to 0.41% each of the past two years.
* 3.2 mills go into the capital reserve for larger projects
* 1.2 mills go into municipal debt service on borrowed money
Council's final meeting of the year will be at 7 p.m. Dec. 17 at the municipal building, 4100 Sardis Road.