A decision on whether two of Des Plaines' three 1st ward candidates can appear on the April 1 ballot could be made tomorrow (Friday).
The Des Plaines Electoral Board is scheduled to hear complaints filed against the petitions of candidates Margaret Chlebek and Brian Kowalkowski. The public hearing in city hall will begin at 10 a.m.
Current City Clerk Jessica Mastalski is one of the objectors to the petitions submitted by Chlebek and Kowalkowski. Candidates handed in their petitions with the signatures of voters in mid-November. A complaint that had been filed by outgoing 1st ward city council member Mark Lysakowski against Kowalkowski was withdrawn earlier this week.
If the board agrees with any of the objections it could lead to Chlebeck's and/or Kowalkpwski's names being barred from appearing on the spring ballot. If both are ruled to have submitted improper petitions, Mastalski's name would be the only one on the ballot.
Objections include allegations that the signatures of non-registered voters were on petitions and that some of the petitions submitted by Chlebek were not properly signed as well as the charge that she is not a legal resident of Des Plaines.