
Reporters' Notebook: Feb. 17, 2025 - Here's the pitch

By Dale Anderson

Reporters' Notebook: Feb. 17, 2025 - Here's the pitch

OLAF FUB SEZ: A thought as spring training starts from legendary sports announcer Red Barber, born on this date in 1908, "Baseball is dull only to dull minds."

STOP BY - The Sewing and Crafts Group of the Kenmore Mercy Hospital Auxiliary offers its handmade and specialty gift items from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. today in the hospital atrium. Returning to the atrium from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday is Chrusciki Bakery with pastries, cookies and desserts.

BREAK TIME - There's a midwinter break price break this week at several of the area's attractions. At the Buffalo Zoo, it's Polar Bear Days, with $5 off all admission tickets through Friday. At the Aquarium of Niagara in Niagara Falls, where today features special programming in conjunction with the Birds on the Niagara International Birding Festival, the discount is $7.16 through Friday. And on the Ice at Canalside, there's free admission and skate rentals from 10 a.m. to noon today through Friday, courtesy of Project Play WNY and Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield. The Ice at Canalside's season ends Sunday.

People are also reading... Leah K. Bellitto, 28, investigative specialist, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu coach Amherst woman, 28, missing since Saturday, is found dead $190 wings. $98 brownies. $590 for drinks. In one Bills suite, NYS often pays the bill 'At least three' officers injured in Collins Correctional 'chaos' 'Put it to bed': Pushback leads to rejection of Williamsville school start-time changes Bills re-sign a key piece of their 'jumbo' package, bringing back their sixth offensive lineman All 7 Joann stores in Western New York to close Alan Pergament: WGRZ-TV going to traditional newscast at 4 p.m. in place of 'Most Buffalo' Bills Mailbag: What to make of James Cook's contract request Amherst smoke shop owners beat charges, accuser says 'system failed' Austin Tylec: North Tonawanda's outspoken young mayor prepares for another battle Carbone's Pizza to spend dough on brand-new pizzeria Arrested Amherst teacher was caught in online sting operation, police say Erie County real estate transactions Sabres midseason top 10: Ranking the prospects in Buffalo, Rochester and elsewhere

LISTEN UP - Sharon Holley and Lillie Wiley Upshaw, board members of the Michigan Street African American Heritage Corridor, talk about this year's plans at the Nash House and Michigan Street Baptist Church in the free online Imagine Greater Buffalo lecture series at 12:30 p.m. Tuesday. Zoom link is

The Center for Elder Law and Justice offers a free workshop on legal issues for older adults at 2 p.m. Tuesday in the Dorothy J. Collier Community Center, 118 E. Utica St. Topics include power of attorney, health care proxies and wills.

Margaret "Maggie" Verrico, who is studying galaxy evolution at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, gives a presentation, "Galaxies: From Spirals to Ellipticals," at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Martz-Kohl Observatory, 176 Robbin Hill Road, Frewsburg. Also on Zoom. Visit

DINNER PLUS - Shamus Restaurant, 98 West Ave., Lockport, hosts History Center Night from 4 to 8:30 p.m. to benefit the Niagara History Center. For reservations, call 716-433-9809.

The University at Buffalo Women's Club meets for a Chinese banquet at 6 p.m. Sunday in the Golden Duck restaurant, 1840 Maple Road, Amherst. $50. For more info, call Jean Jain at 716-633-5932.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY - Isabel Caterina, Colin Dabkowski, Lindy Ruff, Moira Gallagher Schorr, Mike Spong, Don Zinteck, Katie Miller, Matthew Toohey, Lucy McCabe, Sister Mary Janita Krawczyk, Zoe Thauer and Allison Ogorek.

AND TUESDAY - K.C. Kratt, Julie Kittsley, Matt Gryta, Melissa Timian Gardner, Elizabeth Agnello, Aaron Hejmowski, Gina Passantino, Kelly Pennella, Noreen McAllister, Dave Rath, Gavin "Chuckles" Eustace, Lisa Ubaldini Romanini, Linda Carroll, Lisa Panek and Jeremy Krawczyk.

To submit birthdays and other items of interest to Reporters' Notebook, please email or send a letter to Reporters' Notebook, Buffalo News, Box 100, Buffalo, NY 14240. NOTE: Letters sent to our old address at One News Plaza are no longer being forwarded. They'll just be returned to you.

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